Buddhist English Library Series: Seon Buddhism Stories with Chongan Sunim  
Dharma Talks
Chong An Sunim is the Hungarian abbot of Kwan Um Zen Center in Hungary. He gives 12 talks on Buddhism beginning from Theravada Buddhism to Mahayana and Seon Buddhism. His dharma talks at the Buddhist English Library by Buddhist Television Network, 2005-2009 in Korea.
Num Title Date Hits Play
12 Kong-An 15-03-04 1137
11 Meditation Techniques 15-03-04 1130
10 Zen Circle 15-03-04 1168
9 Zen 15-03-04 1134
8 Study of the Heart Sutra 15-03-04 1130
7 Effects of the Mind (Q&A) 15-03-04 1143
6 Effects of the Mind 15-03-04 1230
5 Characteristics of Mahayana Buddhism 15-03-04 1227
4 The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eight Fold Paths 15-03-04 1209
3 Causes and Types of Suffering 15-03-04 1138
2 Structure of Theravada Buddhism 15-03-04 1353
1 The Basic Teachings of the Buddha 15-03-04 1244
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